It’s a major award!

I should drink champagne more often.

After celebrating a personal blogging milestone with a glass of Cava on Wednesday, I sipped bubbly this weekend at a wedding. I came home to another snippet of recognition: I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award!


I’ve seen a few fellow bloggers receive this nomination, and am excited that someone felt like my blatherings were worth sharing. Thank you to Tammy at The Nourished Seed for the nomination!

There are a few rules to this game, it would seem. They are as follows:

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
I started the usual bliss at the beginning of April. I have followed a handful of blogs over the years, but really started exploring them recently. There is just so much out there- activity-specific, food-centric, fashion, family, photography. It’s like the iPhone- whatever it is, there’s a blog for that. The blogs I find myself stalking reading are an expression of my interests: great food, approachable adventure, and positive people finding their OWN bliss. Happy life. That’s what I like to read about. I’m not sure I can list 15, but here’s a handful of my favorite WordPress reads and my nominations for a Versatile Blogger award.
  1. 365 t0 30– The countdown is on until the big 3-0, and there are adventures to be had before then.
  2. 29 to Life– Similar in outlook, this blog embraces how life changes for the better as we get older and wiser.
  3. That Blond Mom– An awesome, funny single mother rolling her eyes at life’s curveballs.
  4. High Heels in the Barnyard– I have a not-so-secret dream to live on a farm. This lovely lady does it with style.
  5. Veggie Zest– Scrumptious food, scrumptious photos.
  6. Sarah On the Go!– This woman always has some sort of FUN in the works.
  7. A Dozen Fedoras– An Australian finding beauty in all things.
  8. Creative Noshing– Just thinking about this site makes my tummy growl.
  9. Firds of a Beather– The adventures of a fellow Utahn!
  10. Random Olio– Just discovered through Freshly Pressed- I just love her writing style.
(There are lots of other favorites listed on my BLOG LOVE page- check them out, and as always, let me know what I should be reading!)
And to complete the rules, seven new and completely random things about me!
  1. I’m not sure I know what color my hair really is anymore.
  2. I am suspicious of people who don’t like dogs.
  3. I will always choose family first.
  4. I can’t eat melon. Watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe. I don’t like them even touching other food on my plate.
  5. If given the choice, I’d choose an old car over a brand new one 100% of the time.
  6. I cry a lot. Sad things, happy things, romantic things, nostalgic things, other people crying, the weather… just about anything can bring on the waterworks!
  7. I absolutely LOVE corndogs.
Thanks again for the nomination!


    1. I am so UN-technology savvy! So what I did was copy/save the image to my desktop by right-clicking it. Then on the side of my page, I went to “Appearances” in my Dashboard and went to “widgets”- there is one to add an image along the side. I sort of had to mess with it a bit, but it’s on there. See if that helps!

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